Thursday, January 29, 2009

A few demoscene demos

Figured I'd post this, been sitting in edit for a while; it's a few of my favourite demoscene demos, found on Youtube. Some of them are starting to get old, but they're still great and art is a timeless thing :-)

Here they are:


The Final Fantasy XIII release date is closing in, especially if you live in Japan; Europe will have to wait until next year however, and here I was, waiting for an official release date sometime this year. Oh well, atleast there's a Square Enix Europe teaser site out there for FFXIII.

I'll just have to get back to Fallout 3 meanwhilst, Pacific Rift and TimeShift should drop in any day as well.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to reality

Yup, 2009 is here, happy new year and all that.

Must admit that this new years eve felt a little awkward and I wasn't really looking forward to going back to work; but now I'm here, after a couple of weeks off doing nothing but blowing off some steam.

So, now it's back to everyday life, resuming projects etc. PowerCell is closing up to a first official release; I'm currently modeling some levels for it so we get some content which makes the game worthy of release, it's really the only thing missing - more content.

Another game that's in development, slowly but surely; is "Minigolf 3D" - there's a blog here about it, maintained by the main dev.

I'll also resume the 2D game pretty soon, I do have a couple of guys that depend on me on that one after all.

That's about it, really, I've also embraced the fact recently that I am a gamer, and there's nothing wrong about that; I'll post some more thought on that in the future - I even have another project planned regarding the topic of gaming that I have "scheduled" for this summer; we'll see how that turns out.