Friday, March 20, 2009

Play! Concert in Stockholm 2009

Brrr, cold. I just came home from Stockholm, it's 1 AM, and I'm freezing my buttocks off.

I attended this years Play! concert in Stockholm Globe Arena (Annexet), I also invited a friend which I hadn't met since university a couple years back; we had a good time (atleast I did) and when the music from Oblivion, Zelda and Castlevania, in particular, was playing, I got chills. However it wasn't really what I expected and the fact that they had decided for some reason to play Guild Wars music at the end was kind of a let down, they did however manage to redeem it with an encore, which was a nice rendition of the Sephiroth theme.

All in all, a decent concert.

Took some shots with my iphone, mostly blurred crap, but I got atleast a couple that aren't all too bad, which I've posted here. It should be public and viewable by anyone.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Empires 2.23

An update for the Empires source mod has been released, there's a lot of fuss in response to this. I, however, am going to try it now. Looking forward to it.