I saw a recorded feed of the Microsoft press conference this morning. My general thoughts after seeing that is that they seem to shamelessly steal concepts and idéas, an avatar system which immediately made me think of the Wii's Mii avatars. Lips, well clearly someone's been playing Singstar. And last but not least the Buzz ripoff.
All is fair in love and games I guess. I wasn't too impressed with the Microsoft press conf. in general.
I watched the Nintendo and Sony press confs. through the gamespot live feed and I was really looking forward to see what Nintendo could possibly conjure up, I did feel a little disappointed after their show. I had heard some things about a "secret game", and I had also read some stuff about MotionPlus. One of the bigger announcements were defenitely Animal Crossing City Folk and the new WiiTalk, and I was pleasantly surprised, certainly exceeded my expectations, even though an AC announcement seemed likely; I wasn't really looking forward to it before the show started. The MotionPlus apparel also seems promising, I guess it's hard to tell until I actually have one plugged to my WiiMote. I had my hopes up on some F-Zero Z news or other major titles we've come to love in previous Nintendo generations, but no such luck.
The Sony conference was definitely the top of the three for me, now I don't own a PS3 but I've been looking forward to getting one down the line and a lot of what was showcased really wet my appetite. A bunch of nice titles and exclusives. And the ending presentation of MAG, which seems to promise those kind of massive, frantic and tense battles I've been dreaming of in a multiplayer setting; were more players work together to hold off an ambush or assault in large numbers. I just hope it can live up to some of my expectations.
Cozy Games
7 years ago
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